Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Estes Skylab #001973, Build, Part 2, That Darn Reinforcement Ring!

GOTCHA: It seems like the internal reinforcement ring has always been a problem.

Too many first timers (I was a once first timer) assume that it will just slide in after glue is applied.
You will have to cut out a small segment to get a slip fit.

Be sure you have the correct reinforcing ring, it is the 1" length of tube.

Try a dry fit or the ring - it won't easily slide in.
Don't try to force it!

The picture on the right shows the rough edge of the body tube. The larger the body tube, the harder they are to cut clean. Square up the tube edges with sandpaper on a block. 

Cut one straight line through the ring using scissors.

Set the ring in the tube and check the overlap. This is how much will need to be removed for a good fit.

It's best to cut the segment a bit short and sand to fit.

Sand and square up the ends. Check the fit.
Repeat - 
Repeat - 
Repeat - 
Until you get a good fit.

1 comment:

  1. I forgot about that darn ring! Your blog certainly helps with these tougher builds.
