Wednesday, August 8, 2018

NARAM 60 Tuesday, August 7, Streamer Duration and Payload Altitude

Last night was the NARAM Town Hall and turn-in of the Classic and Sport Scale entries.
I might have a shot at a place in the Classic Model Competition. There was some standout entries in Scale and Classic model. Well, after all this is the Nationals.

Everybody seemed to be using piston launchers - except me. I've been out of the competition loop for too many years. Live and learn! I used the supplied 1010 rail and fly-away guides.

My A engine Streamer Duration model had two qualifying flights. LONG walks to pick up both models. I think my A engine streamer model got 1 minute 35 seconds.

This is the boost of my A Payload Altitude entry, again I used a rail and fly-away guide. I had never used the Firefly Altimeter before.

Boost was good but at ejection the parachute didn't unfurl. The "break-away" recovery slowed the descent and the officials gave me a qualified flight. The altitude was recorded but I didn't look to see what it was.
The payload section was heavy and the thin vacu-form nose cone was broken up. There was no damage to the rest of the model, the altimeter or payload.

I'm really dragging tonight. Recovery walks and standing in the heat for long periods of time drains your energy!
Tomorrow is B Cluster Altitude and A Helicopter Duration. I'm entering the Helicopter competition. Wish me luck!