I went to the Payload Bay website to use the Transition Tool.
I figured a long shroud would reduce drag.
The problem is, with this long a shroud, how do punch hole for the altimeter or use a pop launch lug?
I didn't think about this until after the shroud was on the model. More on this later.
At the narrow base of the shroud, I rolled the Sharpie over the glued edge while the glue was still wet to smooth it out.
The shroud was printed on 64 lb. card stock. Normally I use 110 lb. card stock for shrouds but I wanted it lighter.
The whole shroud got a wipe of CA glue to stiffen it up.
Here's how the first shroud fit against the egg capsule and body tube.
Like I mentioned, how would you punch vent holes or use a pop lug?
If you're swiping the transition/shroud with CA to harden it, can't you just use a pin vice/hand drill to drill holes around the shroud for the atmosphere to breathe for the altimeter? As far as a pop-lug, even the stand-off could be made with the correct taper, and again, if the shroud is CA hardened, a slot could be made for the forward hook, couldn't it? I haven't attempted that, but it seems plauusible.