Monday, May 27, 2019

Rocketry Show Interview

My NARCON Interview for the Rocketry Show is posted. To listen: CLICK HERE

Peter Alway is first up, I follow at about 57:28 in.
Don't you hate to hear your own voice?


  1. I suggested they interview you way back when they first started. I'm glad they finally got a chance. And yes, I hate the sound of my own voice.

  2. I thought it was great.

    While I used to hate the sound of my voice on tape, during my radio years, I frequently had to go back and listen to what I had done, so I got a lot more used to it. It got a lot easier to be less judgmental about what I sound like, though sometimes I do this weird chuckle thing that really makes me cringe (you can hear it once or twice in this episode).

    At first, I had to wait a long time before I could listen to something I had recorded without judgment. Now, I can listen to an episode of The Rocketry Show as soon as it's released, and enjoy it almost as if I'm not on it.

    It's nice to revisit those conversations, because I don't always remember the whole thing, since everything takes place in the moment.

    I thought both you and Peter Alway were great interviews, and I'm glad we got you on. It was fun meeting you, and hopefully we'll run into each other again some time!
