Winds were 10 mph so many switched out parachutes to streamers. There were some thermals, a few rockets with parachutes would momentarily hang during recovery. I thought it had to be warmer for thermals.
Today was the first launch for the Estes MINI MARS LANDER with an A10-3t. Straight boost to 225'. I was concerned about a hard landing under the streamer. The grass was tall and allowed for a soft touchdown. No damage to the delicate leg fins.
I'll keep launching the Estes CURVILINEAR until I can't launch it anymore!
With a Estes A8-3 it got to an estimated 175' with a spill holed parachute recovery.
Pat McCarthy joined us today. He flew the Red River Rocketry Selta SYX with a B6-2 engine.
Pat is co-chairman of the upcoming 2019 NARCON, returning to Cape Canaveral, FL. Mark you calendars for March 1-3. Check the NARCON website and registration at:
Here's my first launch of the Semroc SNAKE JUMPER using a Quest German made B6-4.
Initial boost was straight but then it did some coning during the coast phase. This might be caused by the asymmetrical fin layout. The 12" parachute brought it down easily. The German made engine left a lot of soot around the back end and darkened the upper body tube.
My MPC RED GIANT got a second German Quest B6-4. Altitude was an estimated 300'. More soot and some melted slag on the plastic retention ring.
Next to the Red Giant is Lonnie's Red Max and Mercury Redstone.
This is Manuel Mejia with one of his scratch builds named the Turquoise Dream.
Manuel was the first at the ROCK field to launch the Q-Jet C12-6 engines. The new composite 18mm motors aren't as loud as a black powder and emit black smoke during boost.
The C12 engines gave a fast boost. The duration may have been a bit long, Manny is saving his C12-4 engines for other projects.
I can hear Jim now: "More Power!"
My final launch of the day was the Estes STAR SPEEDER clone.
The Estes A8-3 got it to 200'. I heard some "snap back" at ejection. One of the fin spikes broke off but was picked up for a quick repair.
After packing up the launch equipment many drove to Del Taco for a late lunch and rocket talk.
Great launch post!