The trailing edge spar is glued next along the bottom.
Glue the small tip rib.
Sand the taper on the bottom of long brace rib to fit the trailing edge spar.
The final center rib is glued on.
Lightly sand over the ribs to even everything up. Don't remove the angle that fits and supports the embossed line along the trailing edge.
It doesn't take a lot of glue to adhere the outside skin.
I used Eileen's Tacky Glue - I've read where it doesn't shrink.
Here I'm using the flat side of my sanding block to apply an even pressure on the flat side while the glue sets up. I'm not sanding, just lightly pressing on the flat skin against the ribs.
The finished fin.
The trailing edge embossed line is subtle, clean and sharp.
Build time this post: 1 hour, 15 minutes
Total build time so far: 27 hours, 50 minutes
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