The Semroc instructions say: "The capsule may be painted/finished as shown below."
Rather than try to hand draw these on the model, I decided to make up some decals and hope they fit.
I know there is probably some way to calculate the wrap around decals, I go the easy way without any math.
To get the circumference of the escape motor tube, a strip of 20 lb. copy paper was wrapped and the overlap point marked. the circumference was around 1.21" long.
The conical nose cone was wrapped with a piece of copy paper and the overlap marked. This was a bit trickier than simply wrapping a tube.
Using the overlap pencil marks the template was cut out. I made a few adjustments to get a good wrap fit over the nose cone.
Build time this post: 40 minutes
Total build time so far: 13 hours, 40 minutes
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