Saturday, August 3, 2019

Back To School Supplies! TIPS

You can pick up some school supplies (rocket building supplies) cheap right now -
I bought glue sticks, get the name brand glue sticks, not the store brand. I also picked up two bottles of school glue. The school glue was $1.00 each, you can probably find them for less.

I wouldn't use school glue for model rocket building - I'm only interested in the nozzles.
The nozzle on the wood glue bottle is meant for woodworking. The open end is too wide for rocket building.

Luckily, the threads and open top on both bottles are the same size.
Blow the school glue out of the school glue nozzle, run water through it and blow it out again.
Screw it on your wood glue bottle and you are ready for more precise glue application!


  1. I’ve found Elmer’s School Glue works great for papering balsa fins and since I paper all my balsa (and tung wood) fins I use a fair amount of School Glue. Chris has made the suggestion before about recycling the nozzles - one of those “why the heck didn’t I think of that “ moments!

    1. Hi Openroad,
      I have brought this up before - this was really a reminder about the Back To School sales and cheap rocket supplies.
      Regarding the glue nozzle tip replacement - There are many new blog readers who didn't see this tip the first time around.

  2. Those nozzles also fit on most Titebond glue bottles (I use Titebond II for most of my builds). I wouldn't have even thought of trying that if I hadn't read your blog every day!
