TIP: This is an optional step, but you can seal the conduit dowels before gluing them onto the rocket.
I dipped a paper towel in some clear varnish and wiped down the dowels. You can use most any clear liquid finish.
After the varnish dries, sand smooth with 400 grit.
Scrape away the clear finish off the gluing areas.
Set the low end of the dowel in the wing/fin notch and over the forward conduit support fins.
The front dowel end will have to be trimmed to the forward edge angle of the conduit support.
Glue the conduit dowel in place.
Fillets should be added all around. Around the rings fillets are hard to smooth out and remove the excess glue. I used quite a few Q-tips to get where my fingertip couldn't reach.
Use the ends of the assembly jig to glue and center the short tubes on the ends of the engine pylons.
Apply glue fillets after the root edge glue dries.
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