Sunday, August 11, 2019

Sweaty Rocket Handling?

At a club launch I've been asked why I carry rockets with a paper towel around them. It's hot, and your hands are sweaty!
On a model like the Dr. Zooch Saturn V there are printed paper wraps. These wraps or a flat paint finish could be stained when handling on a hot day.


  1. Aside from sweat there may be oils from your skin that could also stain unsealed paper or flat finishes.
    I suffer from a slightly different affliction (sometimes called "sandpaper fingers") when it comes to computer keyboard and mouse. The tops of the keys usually lose lettering within the first 3 months, and after about a year keytops are "shiny" with noticeable "dent" worn into them -- the mouse also tend to have similar shiny spots that appear "dented" where my thumb and fingers grip it.

    1. Hi Naoto,
      That's why I paint most of my scale models with gloss paint. For sport flying I'd rather have them clean than true scale.
      I've had shiny keyboard keys! Most everything I use gets shined up.
