The upper ST-7 tubing above the card stock shroud is 6" long. The engine mount tube was 3" long. The BT-20 tubing is a little smaller in diameter but will work for this build.
The short wider section at the bottom was a ST-13 tube at 1.34" diameter and 2.3" long. An Estes BT-55 is close at 1.325" diameter.
The other question was the height of the Paper Reducer shroud -
Jim Z had a good scan, the Catalog number was PR-7-13. A look at the 1973 Centuri catalog showed it was 1.3" tall. I'll make up a shroud by going to CLICK HERE
Piecing it all together, the Viking plastic nose cone (2.85"long) tubes (BT-20s at 3" & 6" exposed) and shroud height (1.3") gave me a length of 12.6". The Centuri kit was 12.8" tall.
My build would have been .2" short, using the shorter Estes Viking nose cone. I'll simply extend the length of the upper BT-20 by .2" to get it to the original Centuri 12.8" length.
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