Friday, May 11, 2012

Centurion Re-Build AGAIN! Part 1

The leading edges of my Semroc Centurion fins were badly nicked up after going straight into a tree. It's normally very stable but this time was staged using the Semroc 16 Booster. High winds and a tip-off at staging made it go horizontal.
Sure, I could order up another kit and build again. Everybody has one model they don't want to give up on. Mine is the Centurion.

The next few posts will show one way to build up the broken fin edges.

Rectangles were drawn around the broken edges for replacement balsa.


The edges were cut and sanded square with a padded fingernail file.  
For a better fit of the new balsa, try to keep the edges as square as you can.

Some strips of 3/32" balsa were cut to fit into the cut out leading edge squares.

Set one side into the square recess and mark the overhanging side.

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