Sunday, October 13, 2013

Estes Xarconian Cruiser Build Part 7 Wood Grain and Tube Seam Filling

There was a few steps that didn't really need pictures.
Brush on CWF filler: 25 minutes
220 grit to knock down most of the dried CWF: 30 minutes
400 grit sanding to smooth all balsa filler: 15 minutes

The picture on the right is all the balsa and launch lug taped down for primer filler spraying: 15 minutes

Here's a regular BT-50 inside the 1090 tube used to make the intakes.
The 1090 tube is the same used on the previous Stingray MK-109 build.
It's very thick walled.

Apply intake tube seam fillers: 10 minutes
Sand 1090 tube seams: 10 minutes
Spray 1090 tube filler primer: 5 minutes

Total Build Time so far: 4 hours, 5 minutes


  1. What kind of primer filler do you use?

    1. Hi Daniel,
      I only use the Duplicolor Primer/Filler, available at auto supply stores.
      The can label is now grey and black.
      They have changed the label description again - it now says:
      Duplicolor Automotive PRIMER Series, FILLER
      Look for FP101 Grey Filler above the UPC label on the back.

      It is worth the extra few dollars for this primer/filler. Some other brands are almost "rubbery" when you try to sand it down.
      Good Luck!
