This past weekend was the N.E.F.A.R. Bunnell Blast, a two day event with a night launch on Saturday night.
The Quest AEROSPACE ONE is a great flyer adapted to an Estes D12-5.
Towards the end of the thrust phase the model wiggled a bit. Altitude was near 900'. The left rear rudder fin broke off clean at the root edge on landing, an easy fix.
Rocket Rick Boyette had one of the larger upscales -
The 12" diameter x 12' tall Estes Alpha.
I had to leave before the flight, many were waiting for the winds to die down.
A new favorite is the CHEROKEE GOON.
A little sooty after a few flights with Quest B6-4, but it's a perfect engine for this squatty. Estimated altitude was about 400'.
My two engine cluster JOLLY ROGER hadn't flown for two years. (Check out the planked ship style fin)
Two C6-5s got it to an estimated 1,000'. Taped on the side is the same keychain video camera that sat in the strawberry field in Tampa for a few weeks. The video is great but no audio!
Down the rack is Dave Ribakoff setting up a rare OOP Dr. Zooch Thor Agena B for flight on a B6-4.
Everyone would agree, the highlight of day was Bracha and Roger Smith's Akavish flying spider. This was Roger's first flight with an L engine.
With the wind gusts there was some concern about the rail, only six feet was used. In the end all was stable and successful.
The Akavish apogee was 990' and descended under a spiderweb parachute.
In the picture from left to right is Roger, Akavish, Marty and Oscar Pendragon the rocket dog.

Launch of the Akavish!
(Roger Smith photo)
My also flown:
Estes MINI SHUTTLE to about 375' with another Quest B6-4. Great textbook flight.
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