Saturday, March 21, 2015

Peter Alway Saturn IV Build, Part 8, Painting Alternating Tank Tubes

If you've ever built a Saturn 1B, painting those tank tubes is hard after assembly.
This model has the alternating black and white tanks.
I'll save some painting headaches and paint them before gluing it all together.
Three of the six 6" long BT-5s were taped down to cardboard for painting.
With them flat on a board like this, it prevents any paint from from covering the back of the tubes for gluing later.
Be sure to shoot some paint from the sides to be sure you have the sides of the tubes covered.

Here's what I mean.

The remaining white area was the side down on the cardboard.
This unpainted area will be glued to the central 6 1/2" long BT-5 vent tube.

The larger tube segments were joined with a coupler and got a light shot of white. This was to check the tube seams were filled and the surfaces were smooth.

This was just a dusting of gloss white. The fins and detail pieces still need a bare tube gluing area.

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