Sunday, May 3, 2015

Launch! Orlando R.O.C.K., May 2, 2015

I had plenty of models prepped, but the winds slowed my enthusiasm. The Boy Scouts were here and had plenty of good first flight experiences.

First up was the Odd'l Rockets SPOOL for another pre-production  flight.
With the 10 mph winds and stronger gusts it would be a good stability test.
A Estes C6-3 engine got it to about 250', a fast spin brought it back in.

The new carded downscale A.S.P. had a second good flight with a 1/2A3-4t engine.
I couldn't see any spin this time. Very stable and streamer ejection brought it back close. Estimated altitude, 300 feet.

The Peter Alway SATURN IV  had a good boost with no turns. The B6-4 got it to about 300'.
The spill hole in the parachute wasn't big enough to compensate for the wind. It landed in a tree, 50 feet up!

You've got to figure on losing a few each year. I wish it wasn't this one!

Rick Horne got the video - Thanks Rick!

I tried the new Stratofin water rocket twice.
It only took about six pumps to get it up to 40 PSI.
The first flight was to about 200'. Water rockets are fast off the PVC launcher expelling all the water by the time it is 15 feet up. The rest of the flight is a coast. The nose cone didn't fall off and the rocket floated in landing on it's side.

The second flight was launched by Lonnie B. while I tried to get a picture.
Again the nose cone didn't release. This time it nosed in over the flight line. "Heads up" was called and the nose cone cap imbedded in the soft grass.
I've got to figure out a better separation for the nose cone and add a parachute. Surprising altitude and speed.

Here's Bracha Smith's Estes Mammoth ready for flight with a E16-4.
It went higher than expected. Full parachute ejection and landing behind the cars.

Only five flights, three black powder and two water launches.
After loosing the Saturn IV I called it a day.


  1. That sucks to hear about your Saturn IV after you put so much time into it

  2. Awww, blast! Sorry to hear about the Saturn IV! At least you had a good time building it!
    --Peter Alway
