Monday, May 25, 2015

MRN Idea Box TIP- From December 1967

Mojo 1986 was selling some older Estes Model Rocket News (MRNs) on Ebay.
For me, one of the most valuable pages was "The Idea Box".
I did some screen grabs and will feature some older ideas that still have some value today.

The original Estes copy:
"You can do a perfect scale job on a bird which is normally not equipped with launching lugs and still fly it with regular launch systems thanks to this clip-on launching lug suggested by Ed Brown of Florence, Colo., and of Estes' Machine Shop Crew.
Select a piece of body tube of the same diameter of your bird and slit it as shown. Glue a launching lug on the outside opposite side of the slit. When ready to fly, just slide the unit to the C/G of your bird and prepare to launch as usual."

On one of my models:
I did this on the FlisKit BT-5 based Mecury Redstone.
The 1/8" lug would look too large glued to the side of this small scaled model.
The tube collar is a little loose and does need a piece of tape to hold it on for flight.


  1. Replies
    1. Hi Dick,
      It's a simple solution. The 1/8" diameter lug sticks out like a sore thumb on a BT-5 sized model.

  2. I am loving these Idea Box posts! Also, that tiny Mercury Redstone is just adorable. ;)

    1. Thanks!
      I just wish I had more old MRN pages to draw from!
      Many of the old tips don't work with today's models and launchers.
      Some of them are still good.
