Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Cruisin' in Alaska

I'm off to Alaska on the Holland America Zaandam from June 17 - 25. I bring this up as blog posting and comment replies might be interrupted. Internet connections on a ship can be spotty.

I join the ship in Juneau and go North to Seward. New passengers join and then travel South where I disembark back in Juneau.

I don't get hired for ships as often as before. Cruise lines continue to lure younger audiences. Producers try to make smaller shows appear bigger, but in the end are tacky and insipid.
On my down time, I'll be working on Odd'l projects and another carded downscale model.


  1. Fingers crossed you do another carded model. I just launched your Carded Downscale Black Brant VB at a BSA event to oooos and aaaahs . Boy Scouts, being non profit, love to save money and you don't get much cheaper than your paper models.

    1. Hi Scott,
      I'm glad to hear the Black Brant VB was a success.

  2. In particular I'm interested in a carded downscale you did not do, only because the size is off a bit. So far I've done the Bob H Thor in a two stage MMX and your Black Brant VB. Both when printed I had no issues rolling into a BT5. However I recently tried to do the Bob H Starship Vega and the size was off over 10% too big. I played around with measuring with a caliper and shrinking to about 89%... Hmmm, I guess I really just need to shrink till it matches your Black Brant VB to know it's targeted into that BT5 tube size.

    I'll try that and thanks for the help again :-)

    P.S. I would still like to see you tackle another Carded Downscale like the Vega or Orbital Transport.

    1. Hi Scott,
      I probably won't do the Vega or Orbital Transport, Bob H already did those. Even the simpler 3FNC downscales take a lot of time to draw up. I probably own't tackle anything too ornate.
