The June 6 Orlando R.O.C.K. launch had a fairy dry field after yesterdays rain.
Summer launches in Florida are almost too hot! There was a good turnout. Tom Dennon filled in as LSO. I filled in as LSO for one rack. Brian is away on business.
The Centuri DRACONIAN MARAUDER had it's first flight with an Estes C6-3.
A B6-4 and C6-5 are recommended but this one weighed in at just over 3 ounces without an engine!
At 75 feet up it turned and went nearly horizontal. Sometimes models that look like airplanes end up flying like one. Altitude was probably 250 feet.
The 12" parachute did deploy and it touched down in the adjoining field.
The Red River Rocketry SKYLINER was next with a Quest B6-4 engine.
Altitude was around 325 feet. At apogee it seemed to hover before the ejection went off. The 12" mylar parachute landed it in the East field. I had to climb over the fence again.
The Estes GYROC clone used a Quest A6-4 engine. I thought maybe a fin vane flipped early, it had a corkscrew during boost.
The engine ejected at 250 feet up and it went into a fast spin bringing it in just over the road. No damage, not even a dent in the nose cone.
Two Odd'l Rockets flew today.
Steve Moon flew his Squatty Body with an Estes A8-3. The rear eject streamer brought it in close.
One of our younger club members logged two flights on her Little Green Man. After the first flight it needed a touch more clay weight pressed into the nose cone recess. Both flights were with Estes B6-4 engines.
Manuel Mieja, Jr. brought over a Cox Saturn V.
I'd never seen one up close. This one is a bit yellowed with age but still flyable. This Saturn V has flown before, but not today.
Manuel has two new Cox Saturn Vs in the box. One of them is available for sale. It is unopened, shrink wrapped and white.
If you are interested, email Manuel at:
My last flight was the Custom NOMAD with another Quest B6-4.
A textbook flight and clean recovery.
Altitude around 275 feet.
Everything went well today. Only four up and four recovered. I did a lot of visiting and did man the launch controller for a rack.
I picked up two Estes Mercury Redstones from
See the blog entry below for my big find!
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