Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Estes Crossbow SST #7207, Build Part 5, More Fins!

The instructions just say to glue on the Main Wings (Part J)
It doesn't say how far from the rear.
All the other measurements are in inches. After looking at the illustrations, I can assume the rear edge of the Main Wing is 2" from the rear end of the tube.

The Main Wings are glued on at an angle, the outside edges are lower than the root edge line.

For a better fit and gluing edge, an angle was sanded with a sanding block.

Here's the fin layout viewed from the rear.
You can see how the Main Wings are angled.


  1. Out of curiosity I checked out the instruction sheets available for the Satellite Interceptor (from JimZ site) and Crossbow kit (from Estes site) to see what differences can be found between the two. Aside from the obvious size difference, some differences I can see are:
    * different nosecone, no display tailcone (which came with the nosecone) on Crossbow
    * no wingtip tubes on the Crossbow
    * two ventral fins on Crossbow, a single ventral fin on the Satellite Interceptor
    * the "wings" and horizontal stabilizer on the Satellite Interceptor are on different alignment lines on the tube marking guide (the wings are mounted slightly lower -- so slight anhederal would automatically result), while on the Crossbow the wings are mounted along the same lines as the stabilizers.

    Interestingly, the decal sheet for the Crossbow appears to be a scaled-down and recolored (purple instead of red) version of the sheet used o the Satellite Interceptor -- including the ones applied to the wingtip tubes. So if you can find body tubes slightly smaller than BT-5, it should be possible to make the Crossbow look more like the Satellite Interceptor.

    Another peculiarity I've noticed in the catalog photos of the Satellite Interceptor -- the photos appear to suggest that the wings are level and the rear fins are angled down slightly. Looking at both the instructions as well as fin marking guide, it should be the other way (wings angled down, rear horizontal fins straight).

    1. Hi Naoto,
      Boy, you did your research!
      All the points you brought up are correct.
      I didn't go to crazy on this one. I didn't search out any smaller tubes to the wings.
      The Crossbow decals are a reduction of the Sat. Interceptor decals. But with the extra fin on the Crossbow, you aren't supplied with enough decals to follow the face card picture.
