I mentioned earlier, the central core of the laminate fins is very thin, maybe 110 lb. card stock.
This definitely needs an upgrade.
One fin core was cut out and traced onto some .050" thick centering ring stock.
A small through the wall tab was added.
This will require me to cut a tab slot into the 15mm SRB tubes.
This isn't necessary, but will be a good exercise making a stronger model. I'd feel better knowing the root edge is glued into the body tube, not just end glued to a glossy wrap.
I was only supplied with one nose cone shoulder, I need two more.
These 15mm nose cones don't have a molded shoulder, a coupler is glued into the base of the nose cone.
I have some BT-5 coupler material. I cut off three 5/8" lengths. It took two wraps of copy paper to get a good fit. The paper shim strips were glued on with a glue stick.
There is some molding flash on the nose cone edges. These were trimmed and sanded smooth with 400 grit on a block.
With mine, I went all the way, and made balsa fins, which were covered with the supplied artwork from quest. I either roughed up the wrap or removed it where the fins were glued. I can't remember which.