Friday, January 8, 2021

Semroc Laser X, KV-33 Build, Part 1, Parts?

Well, I don't have a parts picture.
I thought I took one, but may have just dived into the build.

This repro kit was produced by ERockets, I bought it from The bag was big and loose, wider than needed for the kit parts.

It's hard to see in the bag picture, but all the fins were separate, off the laser cut sheet.

Here's where I deviated from the kit parts.
I mentioned earlier I felt the larger 1/16" thick fins were a weak point. I traced the kit fins onto some 3/32" thick balsa and cut them out by hand.
The 12 motor mount vanes and upper fins are fine as is in 1/16" thick balsa.


  1. Hand cut fins?? Really? That is soooooo old-school! 😉

    1. Hi Ed.
      Pretty sad so many new modelers will never experience the pain.
