Friday, August 5, 2011

LAUNCH! Schoolyard Soccer Field August 4, 2011

When I started this blog last year, I'd occasionally launch MicroMaxx rockets and maybe a 13mm A at the soccer field. It's taken me this long to figure out the area to use bigger engines.
I was at the soccer field at about 7:15 a.m. this morning.
With no wind at all and a little overcast. Today was a B6-4 day.

But, first up to check the new controller (more on this later) was my ASP MMX WAC CORPORAL. Great boost with a slight wiggle.

At ejection I could see the Tiny Tim booster and upper Wac section had separated. That small hole you drill in the clear middle section is still to large to retain the Kevlar knot. Both sections recovered without any damage.

This is the same rocket you see at the top of the blog - the Centuri FINLESS.

With the rear cone and .40 oz. of clay weight, I didn't get much altitude on the last A10-3t launch. I bumped it up with a B6-4 today to a estimated 325 feet altitude.
Perfect straight boost and full parachute deploy. This one seemed to drift a little too close to the road, but landed in the field.

After the Finless, another conical stability rocket was up - the Hot Rod Rockets BELL BOTTOM with a Estes A3-4t.
A would guess the altitude was 450' with a streamer recovery.

One of the first models I built as a BAR was the Excelsior HONEST GOON.
With a B6-4 under it there was a slow liftoff and 350' altitude.

Also flown:
The carded downscale MMX CLOUD HOPPER.

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