After all the frustration building this kit, I didn't feel like using up a sheet of decal paper fixing the mistakes.
I thought the nose canopy would be a problem, but it actually went on pretty well. Sometimes rolling a decal around a nose cone can make wrinkles. I only had one wrinkle show up.

I purposely set the decal in place with the nose cone slightly out of the body tube. I figured It would give me a little more leeway when the decal had to be cut in two at the nose cone/body tube joint.
The instructions make no mention that the decal would have to be cut in two.

Even after letting it dry and careful trimming, some of the aluminum paint showed through.
I used a blue gel pen to color over the spec of aluminum.

Here's the finished canopy decal after cutting and touching up.
The blue window has a candy color transparency over the aluminum paint.
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