Saturday, October 1, 2011

Adding Ping Pong Balls Part 2

Here the cut "cap" is being cut free from the ping pong ball.

As mentioned in the last post, don't bend and pull the cap to be cut off. Continue around the cut circle until it comes off on it's own.

Because I cut inside the pencil line, the hole diameter will have to be widened slightly.
I'm using a piece of 220 grit sandpaper over my finger to clean up any rough edges and round out the circle.

Sand a little, then check the fit. Repeat the sanding and fitting until you get a tight fit around the body tube.

On the left, the body tube has been slid into the cut hole in the ball. Wiggle and press the tube up to the top of the ball.
Notice I said to "wiggle" the tube to the inside top of the ball. There will be a little play when the tube is inside the ball. If your tube end is square, it should center itself when pressed up to the top of the ball.

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