With the bat body being over 18", I had to couple two lengths of BT-20 to reach from bottom to top.
I only had a ST-7 coupler in my spare parts box. The ST-7 tubes are a little wider than an Estes BT-20.
It was split and the edges sanded down on my sanding block with some 220 grit.

It was sanded until I got a tight friction fit in the BT-20.

This type of coupling makes a convenient place to lock the Kevlar.
A knot was tied and the Kevlar was looped under the lower end of the coupler.

Before gluing together the two pieces of BT-20, you can see where the Kevlar lies.
This was a scrap piece of braided Kevlar, it would lay flatter than most other stiffer Kevlar pieces.
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