Here's John Mack's TRI-LATERAL chad staged model.
Three naked engines on the first chad stage, two B6-4s on the outside with a C6-0 in the center. A C6-5 powered the sustainer.
Next to it is my Zooch TITAN IIIC ready with a C6-5.

Lonnie Buchanon flew his newly (lightly) painted Odd'l Rockets CYCLONE.
He launched it with an A10-3t, the upper section monocoptered in the wind, landing over 1,000 feet away.
Upper and lower sections were both recovered, the lower section landing in some swamp water. When it dries out, it should be good to go again.

Here's a success and my near failure of the day.
My Semroc CENTURION flew well to 650' with a C6-5 and recovered easily under two 12" parachutes.
The Odd'l Rockets WEDGIE - not so good!
I didn't follow my own directions. In the instructions it states: "Odd rockets fly best in calm winds."
It was loaded with a C6-3 and flew almost horizontal into the 15 mph wind.
Ejection was low at about 60 feet up. No damage on recovery.

The most talked about rocket and flight of the day was Mike Nipper and his GREAT PUMPKIN.
Stable and full parachute recovery after a boost with a Roadrunner F45. Impressive flight and seasonably correct.
My also flowns:
The Centuri NOMAD clone with a Estes B6-4. Estimated altitude - 650'.
Centuri FINLESS with a C6-5 - Skywriting and unstable! Looking at the instructions, it recommends only three engines, the A8-3, A5-2 and B4-2.
I've flown it stable with A8-3 and B6-4 engines. The C6-5 engine isn't recommended. Duh!
Powered FLIC with an A10-3t engine. I'd estimate the altitude was around 650'. Stable with streamer recovery.
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