Monday, August 29, 2016

Centuri Moonraker #KB-11, Finished

This is a tiny rocket!
You would need others to help track both sections after ejection and don't launch it in high grass.
Centuri wisely only recommends 1/2A6-4, A5-4 and A8-5 engines. "More powerful engines (B4-6, B6-6 and C6-7) may be used, but there is little chance of seeing and recovering the tiny Moonraker with those exteme altitudes."
Time will tell if I ever launch this one!

1 comment:

  1. I'm wondering how the wire retainer will work in actual use. Cuz it has to be strong enough to hold the two sections together during boost, yet give way at ejection. Haven't been able to launch my clone yet due to inclement weather. We shall see. BAR Geezer
