Do all this over a trash can! Your marital status will remain intact.
From the top end of the engine, remove all the black powder residue by scraping the inside of the casing with a flat head screwdriver. This BP ash can land everywhere.
After scraping, knock the casing against the side of the trash can to remove the ash and scrape again until no more ash remains.
To remove the nozzle, wet a Q-tip any apply a drop of water to the clay.
Don't use a lot of water, it could get in the paper layers and swell and de-laminate the casing.
Let it soak in for a moment then scrape with the screwdriver.
Wet again and scrape.
Be careful when you are nearing the inside upper end of the nozzle. It can brake through easily and you could stick the palm of your hand with the end of the screwdriver. (Don't ask how I know this!)
Bang the casing vetically against a stone wall. The clay comes right out after a few good raps.