The FlisKits MMX M.A.C.M.E. SHREW launched first with an older MicroMaxx engine.
Not as high as I remember but still stable and the streamer ejected for a soft recovery.
Maybe 50 feet?
If you can get a MicroMaxx engine to ignite fairly quickly with a 6 volt system you are good for everything else.
I rarely fly "naked" but this was a test of a possible replacement for the Powered FLIC in the Odd'l Rockets Combo kit. Tentative name is the FLARE.
Based on the Hot Rod Rockets Bell Bottom, it was very stable with a 1/2A3-4t engine. The nose cone deployed, the streamer didn't. The engine ejected.
Ive got to double check the tape wrap around the engine mount tube when the rockets were prepped a few days before.
The Quest VIPER was launched with a very loud Quest A6-4 engine.
Estes engines "hiss", the Chinese made Quest engines Crackle and roar!
Estimated altitude was 275 feet with full eject of the Odd'l Rockets 12" parachute.
The CD SPOOL is perfect when you want to use a C engine on a small field.
A C6-3 engine got it to over 250' with a very fast spin tumble recovery.
My best flight of the day was the Dr. Zooch SLS.
A Estes B6-4 got it to 300'.
It was nose down and incoming when the parachute ejected and snapped open.
A B6-2 might be a better choice for this heavier model.
Five up, five down. No damage that I could see except for some water spotting on the naked (not painted) Flare tail cone.
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