. . . is more rocket kits!
My Estes Clearance order came a few days ago.
I got three of the BT-55 based bulk packs.
BT-55 kits have always been a favorite. The 55 tube diameter and wall thickness make for very strong models.
I like the Hornet and Centurion designs. I'm not too fond of the Monarch. The Monarch kits will make great starts for kit bashes.
Oh yeah, that's a Leviathan laying down in front.
Have you noticed how many have gotten into the Estes resale rocket business on Ebay?
The clearance prices are too good to pass up.
The shipping box was a recycled kit container from China.
I hate Chinese cardboard, it's not anywhere near as strong as US made boxes. I think the Chinese boxes are only made for one time use.
The other side was pushed in. I was concerned about crushed body tubes but everything inside was fine.
Hey Estes, if you are listening . . .
Now that you are back in the mail order business, why not have a stamp made saying:
"From the Model Rocket Capital of the World!"
It would be very retro, just like the newer parachutes.
I opened one of the Monarch kits. It has a two piece body tube and red coupler.
The coupler wouldn't slide into the adjoining tubes without sanding and rounding of the coupler edge.
Way too tight!