In a recent YORF post, James Jason Wentworth (Blackshire) came up with a great variation of the G. Harry Stine "Shock Lock" shock cord mount.
Anytime there is a post by Jason, I always read it thoroughly. In the past he has come up with great innovations such as a new style 13mm to 18mm engine mount adapter and a removeable shock cord mount that allows you to replace the burned through Kevlar.
In Jason's newest mount idea, he starts with a longer piece of paper or light card stock. Jason says he has had good results just using standard 20 lb. copy paper. You can see how the holes are punched on one side. The mount is folded in the middle.
One advantage to this type mount is after the shock cord is threaded through the holes, you fold over and glue the side without the holes over the threaded shock cord. This smooths out the entire surface leaving much less of an obstruction for the parachute or streamer. It is also more flat towards the lower, parachute side of the mount.
The shock cord isn't folded over itself twice making a thick mount. Instead, when laced through properly, this finished mount is smooth and quite flat.
The second layer of (folded and glued down paper) paper also make the mount much stronger.
The length to width ratio is 5 to 1. For a smaller tube, I made mine 3/4" wide by 3 3/4' long.
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