Here's the official wind speed indicator of the day.
Judging by the turned back ears on Q.T., the winds were 15 - 20 m.p.h.

PIGASUS! made it's Tampa debut flying true with a Estes C6-5.
The picture proves I "stuck" the landing.

Astron Mike came with plenty of impressive gliders.
Here's his BOMARC LV flying with a long burn Estes E9-4.

Brent and Aaron Rubinow know how to get a mirror finish on rockets!
This WILD BLUE YONDER didn't fly today, the winds were too strong. Behind Brent you can see the tent cover blown off by the wind.
It was built from an extended Basic Blue kit from AAR.
It usually flys with a K454 engine.
Roger Smith flew the U-BEE (upscaled Odd'l Rockets Break-Away) with a K550. The boost was impressive!
At apogee the first deploy separated it into five tethered sections.
As it fell we noticed the tether had broken near the upper section and nose cone. We still can't figure out how the 1500 lb. test nylon line broke!
All fell without much damage and should be ready for another flight soon.
Also flown:
The UP! CUP on a C6-3. With today's high winds, this was a great test for stability. It flew straight and true.
The rolled streamer on the engine didn't unfurl this time.
The Micro BIG BERTHA drifted too far on a A3-4t engine. Even with a small streamer it was picked up 200 yards away.
My last flight of the day was the blog build Starlight JAYHAWK. During boost there was a slow rotation. The Apogee website estimates the altitude was 686 feet with the B6-4.
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