I remember he had trouble with the three shrouds and balsa coolant vanes.
Wish me luck!

I'd already cut the fins out from the templates on JimZ's site.
I'd forgotten how many fins, vanes and strakes were needed.
I printed off three copies of the shrouds onto 110 lb. card stock.
I like having extra shrouds just in case.
Kevlar is shown in the picture, but I might do a Tri-Fold mount.

When I was putting parts in my Semroc cart, I searched for the NCW-1 lead weight listed on the Estes instructions.
Semroc had them in stock! I hadn't seen these in a kit for years.
I don't think these new weights were manufactured for model rocketry use. They are a little wider than the inside diameter of the BT-20 it has to fit into. A little filing will get it to the smaller diameter.
There's no center hole for the screw eye attachment.
Still, it's nice to have this part available again.
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