Saturday, December 8, 2012

FlisKits Triple Threat Build Part 9 Wire Antennas

Bending the antenna wires are probably why this kit is a Skill Level 3!
This is by far the most difficult and time consuming part of the build.
For all three saucers, you would make 11 antennas.

All use the same pattern, by the time you've made two of three you'll figure out how to do it right. Luckily I had extra wire.

The trick is to use needle nosed pliers. the pliers shown in the instruction drawings have a flat, wider tip. It'd be hard to form the small bends with wide pliers. Start bending from the upper right side where the the wire it bent back against itself, not from the lower fin "hook" side. Trust me, it's easier.

Before you make any new bends, look down the wire locked in the pliers. Be sure you are bending everything in line with your previous bends.

The hook at the bottom left locks around the base of the 1/16" thick fins.
The reverse "C" bend 1/3 the way up keeps the antenna flat against the fin. It needs that "C" bend to stop the antenna from rotating when gluing.

This is the rear view with the antennas and launch lug in place.
At the left rear fin you can see the antenna "hook" locked under the fin.
When gluing the lug, be sure it is straight. A bit of the hook might get in the way of the seat against the root edge.
At the fin on the right you can see the reverse "C" bend laying flat against the fin surface.

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