He had a new camera and put it to good use today!
Still pictures are mine, all action shots were taken by Roger.
Roger's pics are here:
Here's my Semroc DEFENDER launched with three C6-7 engines.
It really moves off the pad and reached an estimated 1600 feet on a C6-5 cluster.
I'd recommend the C6-7 engines.
There was a long run then walk to pick it up, drift under the two parachutes took it too far away.
That's Lonnie Buchanon's classic Big Bertha on the pad next to the Defender.

Lawrence Brown flew his Pershing II on an Estes E9-4.
You gotta' love scratch builds like this!

Check out the back end of Brian Urban's Pershing.
That's actually a recessed ceiling light hood!
Brian flys the Pershing with J 350 Aerotech engines.
My SCAVENGER had it's third flight with an Estes E9-6.
This engine was from the same package where the second E9 blew through ten feet up!
Today's flight was perfect with ejection at apogee. I was concerned that the six second delay would be too long.
Keep an eye out for the Dollar Tree (plastic) champagne glass nose cones going on sale for Valentine's Day! This model uses one on a near mathcing Quest 50mm tube.

The Dr. Zooch SLS had a good ride on an Estes C6-5.
Even with all the detail, this seems to be a sturdy model. No damage on recovery.

A favorite today was Brian Urban's Estes Saturn V on an E engine.
As always, Brian takes the extra time to do the beautiful builds.
(Hey, where's the tower? Sorry, I couldn't resist!)
My also flowns:
Estes SUPER ALPHA on a C11-5. Perfect flight and recovery.
Custom SOLAR EXPLORER on a Quest B6-4. Good flight, but already seeing some crimping on the BT-50 tubing!
Thanks for the mention Chris. Will Roger be posting the rest of the photos from yesterday? If so, where?
ReplyDeleteThey were posted this morning on rocketreviews.com
Where do you think I stole all the good action shots?
Oh yeah, and you mentioned it right at the beginning of the article. That's what I get for reading too early in the morning.