After the strakes are glued on the upper tube, the instructions have you glue the adapter and nose cone in place!
Don't glue the adapter and nose cone in yet - wait until after painting them black.
You'll save yourself some masking and the color separation lines will be sharper if all three pieces are painted separately then glued together.
The upper tube with the strakes in place was painted gloss white.
The nose cone and adapter were taped to some scrap pieces of BT-50 and BT-55 tubing.
Pull the adapter and nose cone out slightly so a little bit of the shoulders are exposed and get painted black.
Here's the three pieces dry fitted after the paint had dried.
No masking and sharp color separations defined by the ends of the white body tube.
did you accidently skip step 15? or was this intended to be #15? the blog goes from 14 to 16