Sunday, May 29, 2016

I've Hit The BIG Time!

On TRF this morning I noticed - I'm a "Lifetime Member" now! Whatever that means.

I did a search to see how I got this "rating" and found this:
For only $2.99/month, $19.95/year or $100/Lifetime you gain the following benefits to your Membership here at RocketryForum . . . 

The "Lifetime" fee of $100 only runs for 55 years. Not a bargain in my book. Male lifespan in the US is now 75.2 years. I never paid for anything extra.

It might have something to do with how many posts you've made. On TRF I've made 1.914 posts.
There are other members with over 10,000 posts. Either that or it might have something to do with your age, I did hit 60 this month!
I'm not complaining, the title of Lifetime Member demands respect.
Yeah, like I'll get that by launching flying pigs.

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