I was going through some of my old kits today.
I came up on a Quest HL-20 Lifting Body.
The former was made out of paper lined foam board 1/8" thick.
You probably knew this. Hobby Lobby has the foam board. It is easy to cut, light,and strong. Can be sanded easy also.
Thought you might want to pass this along in your blog.
Enclose is a picture of the former.
Working on a X-15 type repaint for the Bug.
Thanks Frank -
I've got some of that foam board and just didn't think to use it.
The foam board would have been better than the corrugated cardboard I used.
I'll put this in the blog, it might help out another builder.
Thanks, and looking forward to seeing the X-15 bug!
Chris Michielssen
Note: This shape Quest HL-20 former probably won't work in the Centuri X-24 bug.
The foam board material could make a better bulkhead/former than what I used in the blog build.
Frank has done some great "re-colors" of the X-24 body and fins.
Foam board cuts really nicely with a laser cutter. They are still rather expensive, but I have access to several through my membership at the Dallas MakerSpace https:/dallasmakerspace.org