Thursday, May 12, 2016

Spam Comments

Occasionally I get Spam in the comments.
These rarely have anything to do with a rocket build. They try to sneak in by saying: " I really enjoy your posts!"
Then they follow with a web address link that has nothing to do with rocketry.
Here's one I deleted from yesterday:

This was a really great contest and hopefully I can attend the next one. It was alot of fun and I really enjoyed myself......Rhinoplasty Malaysianose job menrevision rhinoplasty

What contest? Could it have been a recent club launch? Then I read the links.
The web links (in blue) all relate to plastic surgery, specifically nose jobs.
Maybe I've done too many posts on NOSE cones?
Don't click on anything - Delete, delete, delete!
The links copied above aren't linked to anything, I just made them blue.


  1. Yep, attack of the spambots. Sorry to see that happen.

  2. Haha...I have done a bit of rhinoPLASTY....but a lot more rhinoBALSARY.
