Monday, September 25, 2017

Estes Scout Ship Nova Build #1392, Build, Part 1, Parts

I'll be using many of the parts from the Starship Nova kit, the nose cone is what makes this an easier clone.
In the above picture the fins have been correctly sized, the CWF applied and sanded smooth.

One part of the original kit I don't quite understand - it used streamer recovery.
The upper engine tube hangs over the back end and would hit the ground first.. I would think that would lead to a broken support piece or two.
UPGRADE: I'll be substituting a parachute for the streamer.

I cut the finger tab off the engine hook.
For the first time in an Estes kit I got a bendable engine hook!
This wasn't spring steel and will be replaced with a standard hook from BMS.


  1. Estes, say it ain't so! A crummy, Quest-Type Engine Hook? Sheesh.

    The last time I changed my wiper blades, I pulled out the four lengths of spring steel to try'n bend my own!

    Thanks again, Chris!

  2. Hi Overeasy 123,
    Ye, it's true! I thought I could always count on Estes to use a spring steel engine hook. I have made plenty of engine hooks out of the metal spine from wiper blades.

  3. I know a great little company that used to make extra long engine hooks!!

    1. Hi Mushtang,
      And you were one of the few that bought them!
