The antenna fairing was centered and glued to the top of the capsule. (Not pictured)
The nose fairing was formed round by pressing it into the soft heel of my hand with a pointed dowel.
Some builders form shrouds on a rubber mouse pad.
This "hand" method works better for me, especially with very small shrouds and nozzles.
TIP: By forming shrouds on something soft (but firm) you won't end up with creases on the finished surface.

Here I'm rolling down the cardstock edges between the antenna fairing and the nose fairing. The glue is still wet on the nose edge and can be "molded" and formed with the round toothpick.

Next up - THE TOWER !!!
Note: At this stage, the actual capsule is just over 1 1/2" tall! Click on the picture for an enlargement 2 1/2 times the size of the actual kit capsule. Click that picture for a 10x enlargment.
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