The seam still showed after the CA treatment. I applied some Carpenter’s Wood Filler and sanded smooth. Ideally, I should have did the seam filling before the coat of CA for better adhesion of the CWF. Still, it stayed in the seam.

Step 8 has you apply the glue ring, then thread the Kevlar and shock cord though the front of the tube. Then -
You are told to use a “twisting motion” when sliding in the motor mount assembly.
By the time you’d thread the shock cord through the body, you’ve got white glue all over the shock cord. The glue is already starting to set up. You’d be lucky to get the mount all the way into the center tube in time.
You’d be better off feeding the Kevlar and shock cord out the back of the motor mount tube. Don’t worry about lining up the engine clip on the center line. Just get the mount in and up to the ½" pencil mark.
Here’s the CA treated motor mount tube glued in place with the tape wrap already removed.
After the motor mount was glued up to the ½" line, I wrapped the tube wrapping guide and lined up the center line with the motor clip.
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