Sunday, January 18, 2015

TLP Pershing #K046 Build, Part 11, Chute Disk

A "Parachute Compartment Disk" is glued in 3" from the back of the upper BT-60 tube. It's not a baffle but keeps the parachute from sliding rearward during boost. This keeps the C/G forward.

A few years ago I had a terrible time trying to get one of these parachute disks into position. It flipped and turned while pushing it into position.

I don't know where I picked up this tip . . .
TIP: Roll up a piece of paper little smaller than the tube size the ring will go in. Tape the rolled paper making a cylinder.
This gives you a flat support end to evenly push the ring in. These type of "shelf" rings will flip around in the tube unless they are pressed in place with something like the rolled paper tube shown here.
Mark the rolled cylinder at 3" or whatever the instructions call for.
If the ring is loose, apply some glue into the tube and remove the excess leaving a thin coat to grab the ring edge. You'll want to let the glue dry before pushing the ring in.

Push the ring in up to the pencil line on your rolled paper tube.
Apply a glue fillet drop by drop on the end of a rounded dowel.
Set a drop of glue and smooth it into a fillet using the end of the rounded dowel.

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