Why two? I had two Estes Eliminator kits in the build pile. I'm not fond of the yellow and purple Eliminator colors. Why not make something more interesting?
Too much time was spent redrawing the stickers to only use them once.
I have quite a few unopened kits, just trying to thin the herd.
Here's a scan of the original peel and stick decor pieces from Jim Z's.
All the long triangular pieces butt up against each other, side by side. It looks like the cuts down the thick black lines (die-cut, separating the pieces) aren't perfectly centered.
I could certainly print these and use it on the model, but I wanted a something cleaner without the die-cut shadow lines.

I worked in Corel Draw and came up with separate triangles I could cut with a knife and straightedge. Doing this myself made the build more worthwhile.
It's not an exact copy of the original art. Look close at the Centuri logos, the Centuri letters aren't black. It was changed so I'll recognize it if it shows up somewhere else, in a clone kit or online.
I ordered some 8 1/2" X 11" self adhesive sheets from Ebay
Drawing and printing your own decals or wraps is always a crap shoot. While the tall triangles should be fine, that roll pattern on the upper left could take some re-sizing to perfectly roll around the upper ST-7 tube.
If youare a member through Patreon and would like a copy, email me at oddlrockets@bellsouth.net
and request the Argus Stick-On Decals.
This re-drawn art is meant for a single clone build, not for commercial kit production.
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