I like to clean up the shoulder bases on the nose cone and adapters. Not really necessary, just something I do.

The fit of the small nose cone was too loose for me. I'll have to build up the shoulder a little bit.

The adapter shoulder edges were rounded off.
To build them up and make the edges sharper, some CWF was brushed over the edge. The adjoining tube was slipped over and turned. This presses and forms the CWF leaving a raised lip that is sanded down after it has dried.
After the CWF and raised lip was sanded flat and even, it leaves a rough edge at the shoulder lip.
On the left it the lip edge before, on the right is the same edge lip after edge sanding, shown below. The difference is very subtle, but now has a better fit.
To clean up the edge, set the adapter or nose cone into the tube, almost to the lip edge, leaving a gap. Fold a piece of 400 grit in half and set in the gap. Lightly sand around the edge and check the fit. Repeat if needed.
This takes off any roughness and squares up the lip.
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