I used the same settings you would use for printing photographs so the ink color would be full and opaque.

Mark the centers of the bottoms of all the triangle pieces. Make small pencil marks. These tall triangles are difficult to set down straight. The center marks will really help with alignment.
The tallest triangles are centered directly over the fin leading edges.
TIP: Use your aluminum angle to draw a faint pencil line at the top of the triangle position. In the lower picture, the tip of the triangle is on that extended pencil line.
TIP: As with all stickers, lift and place them using the tip of your knife blade.
Line up the tic marks on the body tube with the center marks drawn on the bottom of the sticker.
Look close and you can see a center pencil mark on the ARGUS triangle. This lines up on a center mark made on the base of the fin.
ARGUS goes on the right side, the Centuri logo triangle goes on the facing left side.
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