The nose cone and tail cone shoulders weren't sharp.
Here I've brushed some CWf over the shoulder edge. While it is wet, it is quickly pushed into the body tube and turned. Let this dry and then sand even with the sides of the tube.
You'll end up with a much sharper shoulder corner.
I was concerned about keeping the fin line sharp.
TIP: CWF was brushed on. While still wet, the edge of my straightedge was pressed into the filler and the ruler drawn down. This give you a straight line with less chance of sanding away the edge.
Here's the "molded" CWF after being pressed into the recess.
You have very little to sand off near the line and only have to level the raised filler at the top.
The fins and servos were taped down and sprayed with filler/primer.
Notice the tape strips rolled up onto the root edges to keep the filler/primer off.
On the right - the filler/primer has been sanded off the fins and servos.
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