Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Lawn Dart Rocketry SLAT/S Build, Part 9, Gluing It Together

The intake half nose cone was set on the intake center line and traced. The filler/primer was scraped down to the body tube. The half nose was glued down.

Notice in the left picture, the scraped line for the intake tube. I used very little glue to set the intake onto the body tube..

Here's where we are now.

This was a loose build. I did follow the directions but didn't use the intake template. I just cut something out.
The fin assembly angle wasn't steep enough when set against the edge of the intake.

I had to go back and cut a slot out of the intake edge. The fairing was set next to the intake and marked to see how long the slot would be.

This is what I wanted, more downward angle on the fin assemblies.

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