Here's the finished recess area mask.
The paint is gloss - for now. I wasn't happy with some of the finished wood areas so a dull coat will help cover them.

I had a small area of overspray showing after the tape was pulled.
TIP: Flat finishes don't show the irregular surfaces like gloss paint does. Flat finishes are a great way to visually smooth things out.
On this model there will be some gloss and some flat finish areas. It makes for a very interesting finished model.
I decided to go for broke and do some additional masks. This small rectangle on the top of the nose cone will get gloss dark gray.
TIP: I wetted the corner of a Magic Sponge, then rolled over a Q-tip transferring some cleaner onto the Q-tip. This removed the overspray with some light rubbing.
Here's the finished nose cone mask.
The model will get an overall dull coat after the decals are applied. The glossy dark gray rectangle will be masked off before the dull coat is sprayed.
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